2021 Hog Slat/Georgia Poultry Retail Product Catalog

308 WWW.HOGSLAT.COM SWASH™ is a carefully formulated liquid that boosts sanitation levels in poultry and swine houses. SWASH™ alters dust, soil and waste’s ability to build up on surfaces, while inhibiting the formation of organic films. The product increases sanitation levels and cuts required cleaning time by up to 50 percent, leaving you with more time for other aspects of animal care. * Swash products are not disinfectants nor are they being marketed as disinfectants A MORE EFFECTIVE WAY TO CLEAN AND PROTECT SURFACES. Water treatment and biosecurity • Labeled for treatment of poultry drinking water, for line clean-out, and in evaporative cooling systems • Labeled for use on shell and casing eggs • Safe for use on both food and non-food contact surfaces • Effective against Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, E.coli, and Avian Influenza (H9N2) • OMRI listed, Made in USA, Kosher SaniDate 5.0 ® #BSS01 ............................................................2.5 gal. SaniDate 5.0 ® is a powerful and effective EPA- registered sanitizer/disinfectant. The highly stabilized 5% peroxyacetic acid (PAA) formulation is composed of organic acids and hydrogen peroxide developed for a wide variety of agricultural applications. It’s extensive labeling and versatile composition makes it ideal for many poultry water treatments and biosecurity applications. SWASHDUST-REPEL™ is soil releasing, non-acidic, and non-corrosive product that is applied to plastic, fiberglass, or galvanized steel fans, cowlings, shutters, louvers, and light traps to reduce the buildup of dust and organic matter. Treating with Swash reduces wash time and improves cleaning and disinfectant effectiveness. #SWASH ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3.5 gal. SWASHCOOL-CELL™ balances the systems pH level, keeps minerals soluble, and disperses dirt and dust so as to not stick on the pads. It treats algae, mineral buildup, scaling and iron. #SWASHCOOLCELL5 �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5 gal. SWASHHOUSE™ can also serve as a sanitation tool for swine facilities. Fecal matter leftover after the cleaning process poses a serious health risk to piglets. Applying SWASH for Swine™ between groups ensures a cleaner, safer environment for pigs. #SWASHH5 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5 gal. For use on tractors, trucks, cars, mowers, combines and more. SWASHEQUIPMENT™ can be applied to all surfaces after cleaning your vehicles or equipment and is safe to apply on all painted surfaces and glass. No drying or rinsing required #SWASHEQ5 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5 gal. After water lines have been cleaned, use SaniDate 5.0 continuously to control algae and bacteria in drinking water and to control mineral buildup in watering lines. Use of SaniDate 5.0 for poultry drinking water has shown to decrease mortality levels, increase weight and feed conversion, and improve overall bird gut health. • Use SaniDate 5.0 at 0.85–1.27 fl. oz. per 100 gallons of water. • To make a stock solution, mix 5–8 fl. oz. of SaniDate 5.0 per 5 gallons of water (1–1.6 fl. oz. per 1 gallon of water) and set metering pump at 1 fl. oz. of stock solution to 1 gallon of water (1:128). • BioSafe Systems recommends starting at 1 fl. oz. of SaniDate 5.0 per gallon of water in the stock solution for the first 2 days and then adjust to 1.6 fl. oz. per gallon of water for the stock solution. • Do not mix SaniDate 5.0 with other products in the same stock solution. Use low rate when applying for more than 5 consecutive days. Poultry Drinking Water Treatments Use SaniDate 5.0 to remove biofilm, scale, mineral buildup and heavy soils from watering systems. • Set dosing pump to 1:128 (1 fl. oz. per gallon of water) and inject SaniDate 5.0 solution into the system. Make sure there is adequate air release. • Remove cap at the end of the drinking system to check for fizzing or bubbling to ensure SaniDate 5.0 has reached every point. Activate all nipples and cups. • Allow system to circulate or hold in water lines for 12–24 hours. • Thoroughly flush system with potable water once system is clean. Once again, activate all nipples and cups. Rapid Flush • Dose stock solution into water line at 1:50 (2% solution or 2.5 fl. oz. of SaniDate 5.0 per 1 gallon of water.) • Activate drinking nipples and cups. • Circulate or hold solution in systems for 3–6 hours depending on conditions. • Flush system with potable water. Cleaning Poultry Water Lines Between Flocks SaniDate 5.0 helps routine maintenance of evaporative cooling pads and systems. Use SaniDate 5.0 for seasonal clean out treatments, or run continuously to prevent bacteria, algae, and heavy soil build-up. Discontinue any chlorine or bromine treatments before using. Cleaning Cool Cell Pads • After cleaning pads of gross filth, run SaniDate 5.0 at 15-22 fl. oz. per 1,000 gallons of water. • To increase efficiency, add approved foaming agent at 4 oz. per 1 gallon of water. • Prevent algae growth and scale build up by adding 8 oz. of SaniDate 5.0 per 1,000 gallons of water. Treatment of Cooling Water Systems • For either shock, intermittent or continuous dosing apply 4.5 to 22.5 fl. oz. of SaniDate 5.0 solution per 1,000 gallons of water (2-9 ppm of peroxyacetic acid). • Repeat treatment as required to maintain control. Evaporative Cooling Systems