2024 Hog Slat/Georgia Poultry Retail Product Catalog

281 CONCRETE REPAIR V-GARD EPOXY OVERLAY SYSTEM FROM VANTEK “PROVEN” TO OUTLAST ALL OTHERS! WALLS Before SLATS FLOORS Before Before After After After #VTK3007 ......................................................................................................32 lb. Bag ADMIX #VTK3010 ..........................................................................................50 lb. Bag BROADCAST #VTK3003 ........V-GARD SLURRY KIT (1.5-gal kit of 440LV Epoxy and 32 lb. bag of Admix in a pail and a 50 lb. bag of Broadcast) V-GARD SLURRY & BROADCAST OVERLAY SYSTEM V-GARD combines the hardness and chemical resistance properties of 440LV Epoxy with the added wear resistance of Vantek ADMIX and BROADCAST aggregate blends. The ADMIX is designed to create a uniform semi self-leveling slurry for simple application. The BROADCAST (50 lb. bag) is applied to the wet epoxy until the surface looks dry. The basic batch mix combines 1.5 gallons of 440LV Epoxy with a 32 lb. bag of ADMIX and covers 33 sq. ft. @ 3/16th” thickness. V-GARD SYSTEM AND 440LV EPOXY #VTK3001 ...............................................................................1.5-Gallon Kit (Pre-measured) #VTK3002 .......................15-Gallon Unit (Two 5-gal pails Resin Part A, One 5-gal pail Hardener Part B) Makes 10 1.5-gallon batches. 440LV Epoxy 440LV EPOXY is a high build, multi-purpose epoxy coating or overlay designed to provide sealing, repair, and protection of substrates. Formulated to withstand the acids that form around wet/dry feeders and heavy livestock traffic. Ideal as floor or wall coatings or high build overlays for livestock facilities. It has a convenient 1:2 mix ratio for easy infield measuring. #VTK3012 ............................5-Gallon Kit (Pre-measured) – Admix ordered separately #VTK3004 ..........V-STONE MORTAR KIT (15-gal kit of 440LV Epoxy and 32 lb. bag of Admix in a pail) V-STONE EPOXY MORTAR V-STONE combines .5 gallons of 440LV Epoxy with a 32 lb. bag of ADMIX to make a trowel applied mortar that has vertical stability similar to V-KRETE mortar. This one-step mortar has superior hardness and chemical resistance like V-GARD. This is a much stiffer mix, so a heavy-duty mixer is required. Coverage: 16 sq. ft. at 1/4” thickness. #VTK3011 ....................................................................................1-Gallon Pail of Fumed Silica V-GARD CSS The V-GARD CSS SYSTEM is a blend of 440LV Epoxy and Fumed Silica thickener that is designed for thinner overlays or wall coatings that can be easily roll coat applied. Stop erosion of lightly worn floors and walls. Fix cracks permanently. Mix 1.5 gallons of 440LV Epoxy with a 1-gallon pail of Fumed Silica, pour the thickened slurry on the substrate and roll coat followed by broadcast. Coverage: 90 sq. ft. at 1/16” thickness, 45 sq. ft. at 1/8” Before After Pad with V-Stone VANTEK Concrete Restoration and Protection thickness.