2024 Hog Slat/Georgia Poultry Retail Product Catalog

337 SUPPLEMENTS SWASH™ is a carefully formulated liquid that boosts sanitation levels in poultry and swine houses. SWASH™ alters dust, soil and waste’s ability to build up on surfaces, while inhibiting the formation of organic films. The product increases sanitation levels and cuts required cleaning time by up to 50 percent, leaving you with more time for other aspects of animal care. * Swash products are not disinfectants nor are they being marketed as disinfectants A MORE EFFECTIVE WAY TO CLEAN AND PROTECT SURFACES. SWASHDUST-REPEL™ is soil releasing, non-acidic, and non-corrosive product that is applied to plastic, fiberglass, or galvanized steel fans, cowlings, shutters, louvers, and light traps to reduce the buildup of dust and organic matter. Treating with Swash reduces wash time and improves cleaning and disinfectant effectiveness. #SWASH ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3.5 gal. SWASHCOOL-CELL™ balances the systems pH level, keeps minerals soluble, and disperses dirt and dust so as to not stick on the pads. It treats algae, mineral buildup, scaling and iron. #SWASHCOOLCELL5 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5 gal. SWASHHOUSE™ can also serve as a sanitation tool for swine facilities. Fecal matter leftover after the cleaning process poses a serious health risk to piglets. Applying SWASH for Swine™ between groups ensures a cleaner, safer environment for pigs. #SWASHH5 �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5 gal. For use on tractors, trucks, cars, mowers, combines and more. SWASHEQUIPMENT™ can be applied to all surfaces after cleaning your vehicles or equipment and is safe to apply on all painted surfaces and glass. No drying or rinsing required. #SWASHEQ5 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5 gal. Southland Organics strengthens natural defenses to grow resilient birds and businesses. #ACV60......................................2.5 gal. container Mother Load Mother Load is raw, unfiltered liquid apple cider vinegar infused with garlic. It is designed to boost your birds’ overall health, aid in digestion, keep the GI tract healthy, tighten gut and provide bacteria that support poultry development. Apply 1/2 gallon per 5 gallon of water in medicator bucket set at 1:128. #BOBOP2-5..............................2.5 gal. container Big ole Bird Big ole Bird is a powerhouse of probiotics, organic acids and biologically active carbon to strengthen your birds’ natural defense system from within. BoB decreases mortality, improves weight gain, feed conversion, gut health and resistance to pathogens and disease. Apply 4 oz. liquid per 1 gallon of stock solution for a medicator pump set at 1:128. #CATALYSTPAIL...................................32 oz. pail Catalyst Catalyst Poultry Vitamin is a highly absorbable powder packed with specially formulated, poultry-specific vitamins and minerals that maximize performance when used with Big ole Bird. It helps promote leg and bone development, heart, skin and blood health. Apply 100 CC (two scoops) to 5 gallons of stock solution for a medicator pump at set 1:128. #DESECT........................................1 gal. container Desecticide Desecticide uses breakthrough technology to kill resistant darkling beetles, lesser mealworms, bed bugs, mites, fleas and ticks on poultry without the use of toxic chemicals. It is proven effective and safe to use, even when birds are present. Bugs do not build resistance, and it can be used at any point during grow out. No applicator license needed, so spray it yourself and save time. Apply 1 gallon with 10 gallons of water per 5,000 square feet. #HH-2-5.....................................2.5 gal. container Hen Helper Hen Helper improves overall health, fertility and nutrition in layer hens. According to studies, probiotics and organic acids work together to increase egg production, egg weight and quality in laying hens. Hen Helper also tightens the gut, which produces cleaner eggs, less feed passage and firmer shells through improved calcium and vitamin absorption. Apply 4 oz. liquid per 1 gallon of stock solution for a medicator pump set at 1:128. #LL2-5.......................................2.5 gal. container Litter Life Litter Life is designed to improve litter quality and strengthen poultry health. A mixture of biologically active carbon, organic acids and beneficial microbes helps dry and condition litter, defend against harmful bacteria and control ammonia. Birds grow in a healthier environment with less threat of disease, lower mortality and better performance. Apply one gallon of Litter Life with nine gallons of water per 2,000 square feet.