2025 Hog Slat/Georgia Poultry Retail Product Catalog

81 NESTING SYSTEMS The Vencomatic Nest range is durable and designed for a long lifespan, featuring flat roofs that maximize bird living space. Its modular design fits any poultry house, while proven tipping floors ensure excellent nest acceptance and egg quality. Integrated drinker lines and perches make it ideal for producing cage-free table eggs in conventional houses. Separate the egg stream Egg Bumper No permanent extension PVC Egg Belt Easy to replace the Vencomat Matclip Ventilation in the nest for hot climates Perforated Vencomat Translucent White Backwall Birds cannot be pushed on the egg belt Passage Prevention Bars No dust falls on the eggs Dustbelt Ventilation in the nest for hot climates Perforated Backwall Vencomatic Nest Options NESTING SYSTEMS Vencomatic Nest Centerbelt Vencomatic Nest Sidebelt