2025 Hog Slat/Georgia Poultry Retail Product Catalog

93 BREEDING/GESTATION Top Strap Front Rods Floor Strap Double-Sided Configuration Single-Sided Configuration Practical Design Considerations Head-to-Head Layout A head-to-head feeding layout for new stanchion systems reduces feed lines, optimizes feed troughs, and creates a clean pen design, allowing easy monitoring of sows while they feed and rest. Dual Side Layout During remodels, stanchions can be installed on both sides of existing pens to use current troughs and feed lines, while maintaining enough space to prevent dominant sows from blocking movement. Penning Hog Slat stanchion pens offer walkthrough posts and optional “saloonstyle” doors for easy access while checking sows. Hog Slat stanchion systems are flexible enough to be installed in a variety of barn designs; allowing new construction projects to maximize production efficiencies, and remodeling projects to incorporate existing feed lines and equipment into the layout to control investment costs during a transition. STANCHIONS