GrowerSELECT - AirStorm AS-36 Series Installation Manual

Hog Slat Inc. Newton Grove, NC USA June 2023 11 Air Storm Fans 9. Install motor pulley onto motor shaft. Key to be utilized is taped to the motor. Do not tighten set screws at this time. Set screws should face the intake side of the fan. Motor pulley should be oriented with large side facing interior of building or intake of fan. 10. Install Belt by placing belt around tension arm and drive sheave, then rotate large pulley so the belt rotates onto the assembly. Check for proper tension, the second indicator mark on the belt tensioner is the desired operating tension. If belt lacks tension adjust tension arm as needed ! ENSURE ALL PULLEYS AND DRIVE COMPONENTS ARE PROPERLY ALIGNED TO ALLOW THE BELTS TO OPERATE ON THE SAME PLANE ! If required, loosen bearing set screws to adjust drive pulley location. If loosening bearing set screws alone don’t not allow shaft to move loosen the mounting hardware of ONE of the bearings to free shaft 11. Once components are aligned validate clearance of prop around orifice and also check for clearance between the prop and motor. There should be a minimum of ¾” clearance between the prop and nonshaft end of motor. Finally tighten all set screws on bearings, on pulleys and recheck set bolt on prop. Validate all hardware is tight before continuing.