GrowerSELECT - HS583E Enclosed Curtain Machine Service Manual

Hog Slat Inc. Newton Grove, NC USA February 2019 20 Ventilation System bearing from rotating in assembly. G. Place assembly onto thrust bearing plate orienting grease fitting as noted in step C. H. Tighten (4) retaining bolts holding bearing cover to backing plate. I. Re-install Drive Screw , see section 5.2: "Installation of Drive Screw" Section 7: Limit Rod Removal / Installation Tools Required: 1/8" Allen wrench Cotter Key pliers or side cutters Locking pliers 7.1 Limit Rod Removal A. Remove Limit Switch Enclosure. See Section 9.1: "Removal of Limit Switch Enclosure". B. Mark limit rod lock collars identifying their position on the limit rod. This will aid in re-installation and set the open and close limits back to original set points.