Hog Slat Inc. Newton Grove, NC USA May 2020 REV A8 15 GROW-DISK™ Feed System SYSTEM: Access to CLOCK, IMPORT/EXPORT, PASSWORD and FACTORY RESET. 1. IMPORT: With flash drive in place, use this button to import SETTINGS from a flash drive. SETTINGS can be programmed from a single controller then used to populate SETTINGS in other controllers to eliminate the need of programming each controller. 2. EXPORT: With flash drive in place, use this button to export SETTINGS to the flash drive. Data exported is SETTINGS and TIMED feeding schedules. 3. DATE / TIME: To set clock, press the white bar displaying the date/time. Pop up screen shown below will be visible. Values must be entered correctly the first time through (BACK SPACE button is inoperative in this function). If a mistake is made, simply press CANCEL and re-enter. Time is 24 hour format. For 07:00 (7:00AM) or 19:00 (7:00PM) Format example: 2017-09-25 08:10:00 for AM or 2017-09-25 20:10:00 for PM 1 2 5 3 7 4 6