Hog Slat - Field Guide to Concrete Slat Repair and Replacement

13 It is important to choose slats with a level, flat top surface to aid pig movement. Slats with an uneven and inconsistent surface place additional stress on pig’s feet and joints. Many methods used for producing concrete slats consist of placing wet cast concrete into multiple steel forms and hand troweling to finish. It is difficult to build slats with a consistently flat surface using hand-finishing methods. Machined slats manufactured by Hog Slat are produced with a different process that eliminates the uneven surface found on hand cast slats. Automated Rotoscreeds “strike off” the mold creating a level, uniformly flat top that is easier for pigs to move across. Choosing replacement slats is a large investment that requires careful evaluation comparing quality vs. cost. Slats are not a commodity product. There is a difference in production methods and materials that affect product longevity and pig performance. SECTION 3 - SELECTION OF REPLACEMENT SLATS