Hog Slat Inc. Newton Grove, NC USA May 2023 5 Precast Slats Setting Procedures 1. Setting the slats into the building needs to be done with the help of a crane or a forklift following the Slat Handling Procedures. When the supports under the slats are not even, pvc or stainless steel shims with different thicknesses should be placed under the slat to even the top surfaces of adjacent slats. Do not use wood or plain steel pieces!!! 2. The minimum distance to support the slats on lintels or walls is 2 inches (5 cm). The optimum support distance is 5 inches (12.5 cm). 3. For farms that are being remodeled, it is necessary to inspect the integrity and strength of the supports that slats will bear on. 4. For new construction, we recommend setting the slats before erecting the structure. This allows easier access for the crane and will reduce setting time. 5. When setting slats, it is important to follow all local safety and building codes. Workers should never stand or walk under a slat that has been lifted by a crane or forklift. Only approved lifting devices that have been inspected prior to beginning the setting of the slats should be used. 6. We do not recommend cutting slats. When a slat is cut, the metal reinforcement is exposed and subject to rapid corrosion and deterioration. Unfortunately, some instances call for a slat to be cut. In these cases, it is imperative that the exposed metal reinforcement be coated with an approved sealant. IN NO CASE should an individual slat gang be cut!!