Hog Slat Tego Tunnel Door Installation Guide

Hog Slat Inc. Newton Grove, NC USA January 2020 8 Ventilation System attachment points of individual door control cords and for this reason should be installed at the end of cabling the doors. For this reason, Control Rod eyehooks should be positioned after Nylon Rope attachment points have been established. The best position for these eyehooks is 2-3” from the Nylon Rope attachment point toward Control Machine. Figure 8 Attachment of Individual Nylon Ropes to Control Rod Each door panel has either one or two split bolts. Nylon cords coming from the split bolts of the same panel should attach to the Control Rod at the same point. This attachment point is defined as 4” plus the height of door from the closet split bolt toward control machine (See Figure 9). For Example: on a 4’ (48”) tall door, the attachment point would be 52” from the closet split bolt. Figure 9