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Equipment Service Department

Hog Slat staffs skilled service technicians at certain store locations throughout the United States. Covering the regions around their assigned stores, Hog Slat service techs are available to repair or replace damaged equipment in your hog and poultry barns. Our service techs have years of experience servicing and maintaining all types and brands of production swine and poultry equipment.

Request a service call or schedule a maintenance visit to your farm using the guide below. 

Contact your local store or technician for the service rates in their area.

Service AreaStore LocationService TechContact
Phone Number
AlabamaHolly PondJustin McComb(256) 796-6507
AlabamaSpruce PineGreg Lee(256) 331-2817
ArkansasClarksvilleJeff Boyd(479) 705-0602
Arkansas/MissouriHindsville, ARKeith Obenshain(479) 789-4001
Arkansas/MissouriBerryville, ARMike Youngblood(870) 350-6318
Arkansas/MissouriWheaton, MOBryan McCool(417) 389-6373
Arkansas/MissouriAfter Hours & Weekend Service(479) 789-4001
DelawareLaurelRobert Short
Harold Smith
Dustin White
(302) 875-0886
GeorgiaCalhounBart Crawford(706) 624-4244
GeorgiaCalhounWade Mathis(706) 624-4244
GeorgiaRobertaMichael Clay(478) 836-5072
GeorgiaRobertaJohn Foskey(478) 960-1474
GeorgiaRoystonCody Legg(919) 581-7077
IndianaFloraRod Moudy(574) 967-3776 Store
(574) 835-7019 Direct
IndianaFloraCory Chilcutt(574) 967-3776 Store
(765) 505-0419 Direct
IndianaFloraDavid Jeffery(574) 967-3776 Store
(910) 379-6193 Direct
IowaAlgonaDave Samp(515) 295-6169 Store
(515) 570-9895 Direct
IowaAlgonaChris Richardson(515) 295-6169 Store
(515) 341-3180 Direct
IowaBloomfieldDerek Crow(641) 664-1475 Store
(641) 799-0411 Direct
Missouri - Northwest
Bloomfield, IAJoe Closser(641) 664-1475 Store
(660) 341-6784 Direct
IowaHartleyChad LeClair(712) 728-2105 Store
(712) 344-0525 Direct
IowaIowa FallsClay Hoversten
Justin Jaenke
Mark Hargrave
(515) 368-3359
IowaSioux CenterDave vanDonkelaar(712) 722-3770 Store
(712) 737-7081 Direct
IowaSioux CenterJeff Berends(712) 722-3770 Store
(712) 441-6784 Direct
IowaStorm LakeDennis Tramell(712) 732-0144 Store
(712) 308-3299 Direct
Iowa - SoutheastAfter Hours & Weekend Service(641) 208-7028
KentuckyCalhounStephen Murphey(270) 499-5021
KentuckyMayfieldMichael Pritchard(270) 804-7375
LouisianaDubachJeremy Lay(318) 224-7323 Store
(318) 478-0281 Direct
MarylandPokomokeChad Grizzle(410) 957-6800
Redwood Falls
Todd Heinrich(877) 562-4203 Store
(507) 438-5989 Direct
MinnesotaSauk CentreTodd Stordahl(320) 351-9202 Store
(320) 777-9477 Direct
MississippiForestJonathan Gregory(601) 469-4165
North CarolinaBeulavilleWayne Knowles

(910) 594-0413

North CarolinaBethel/GoldsboroBill Effler

(910) 594-0413

North CarolinaBiscoeTim Sheffield

(910) 594-0413

North CarolinaClintonMatt Phillips
Brian Hargrove

(910) 594-0413

North CarolinaElizabethtown

(910) 594-0413

North CarolinaGoldsboroJeremy Lancaster

(910) 594-0413

North CarolinaNewton GroveMark Rose
William Bryan

(910) 594-0413

North CarolinaRose HillGregory Knowles

(910) 594-0413

North CarolinaTaylorsville/YadkinvilleRichard Deal

(910) 594-0413

North CarolinaAfter Hours & Weekend Service(910) 509-2229
OklahomaSpiroLao Xiong(479) 561-2930 
Tennessee - CentralShelbyvilleBrandon Heath(931) 680-0742 Store
(931) 703-2038 Direct
(Shenandoah Valley)

Brent Foster
Cory Guyer
Tracey Horn

(540) 879-9901
(Shenandoah Valley)
HarrisonburgChad Custer
(540) 434-4423
VirginiaAfter Hours & Weekend Service(540) 879-9901
West VirginiaMoorefieldDavid Naylor
Bobby Ketterman
(304) 538-2346