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A natural and easy-to-use solution to prevent solids build-up, foam, and odor. Applied once per season, ManureMagic® provides an innovative, time saving, and eco-friendly solution to nuisance issues in pits and lagoons, as confirmed by Iowa State University. Manure can be pumped more easily and at a cheaper cost due to increased flowability and consistency.
SKU: DL-1325
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Size: 25 pound bucket

Application Rate:

  • 25-lb pail of ManureMagic® treats a 2,400 head barn (1,000,000 gallons of waste) with 1 application
  • Pull plug (swine): 2 lb/month. Application Rates: 1 lb per application if pulled every other week ½ lb per application if pulled weekly

Barns: Simply spread across slats and wash down into pit. If crusting is present, break crust and apply beneath surface layer. The product is most effective when applied after pumping, but it may be used anytime.

Lagoons: Dosing and application are site specific. Fill in this short questionnaire and email to A team member will contact you.

ManureMagic is a dry-to-the-touch powder formulated with patented Micro Bioreactor (MBR) particles loaded with mixed microbial cultures that turbo-charge the natural process of anaerobic digestion in pits and lagoons. Every pound of product provides about 700,000 square feet of area covered with billions of beneficial microbes. Drylet’s MBR particles provide bacteria with an ideal environment to reproduce at significantly accelerated rates, consuming and converting organic waste directly to gas and water. 

Simply apply the product to pits after each pumping or flush. The product can also be added evenly across the surface of the lagoon, most easily by boat. In case of crusting or solids on the surface, break the layer with a pipe in order to inject ManureMagic directly into the liquid below it.

WHY DRYLET’S ManureMagic?
ManureMagic provides an innovative, user-friendly, eco-friendly, and significantly cheaper solids-removal alternative to the mechanical dredging of lagoons. Manure from pits and lagoons can be pumped more easily and at a cheaper cost due to increased flowability and consistency. Consequently, higher volumes of manure can be made available for agricultural use, leading to expanded lagoon capacity.

ManureMagic also reduces hydrogen sulfide and odors up to 40% and 50% respectively, according to a Purdue University study. It helps keep neighbors happy throughout the year even when manure is being spread in the fields.

ManureMagic® Brochure

ISU Foam Study Brochure

Purdue University Study

ManureMagic Product Specifications

SDS – English

Case Studies:

Lagoon sludge level drops 44% in 9 months with no new product application

Solids Remediation in a CAFO Lagoon

Notice: Shipping estimates at checkout may not be accurate due to weight. Large orders of this item may ship on a pallet or by motor carrier. You will be contacted with an accurate shipping amount after placing your order if it is different than what is calculated during checkout.  

Size: 25 pound bucket

Application Rate:

  • 25-lb pail of ManureMagic® treats a 2,400 head barn (1,000,000 gallons of waste) with 1 application
  • Pull plug (swine): 2 lb/month. Application Rates: 1 lb per application if pulled every other week ½ lb per application if pulled weekly

Barns: Simply spread across slats and wash down into pit. If crusting is present, break crust and apply beneath surface layer. The product is most effective when applied after pumping, but it may be used anytime.

Lagoons: Dosing and application are site specific. Fill in this short questionnaire and email to A team member will contact you.

ManureMagic is a dry-to-the-touch powder formulated with patented Micro Bioreactor (MBR) particles loaded with mixed microbial cultures that turbo-charge the natural process of anaerobic digestion in pits and lagoons. Every pound of product provides about 700,000 square feet of area covered with billions of beneficial microbes. Drylet’s MBR particles provide bacteria with an ideal environment to reproduce at significantly accelerated rates, consuming and converting organic waste directly to gas and water. 

Simply apply the product to pits after each pumping or flush. The product can also be added evenly across the surface of the lagoon, most easily by boat. In case of crusting or solids on the surface, break the layer with a pipe in order to inject ManureMagic directly into the liquid below it.

WHY DRYLET’S ManureMagic?
ManureMagic provides an innovative, user-friendly, eco-friendly, and significantly cheaper solids-removal alternative to the mechanical dredging of lagoons. Manure from pits and lagoons can be pumped more easily and at a cheaper cost due to increased flowability and consistency. Consequently, higher volumes of manure can be made available for agricultural use, leading to expanded lagoon capacity.

ManureMagic also reduces hydrogen sulfide and odors up to 40% and 50% respectively, according to a Purdue University study. It helps keep neighbors happy throughout the year even when manure is being spread in the fields.

ManureMagic® Brochure

ISU Foam Study Brochure

Purdue University Study

ManureMagic Product Specifications

SDS – English

Case Studies:

Lagoon sludge level drops 44% in 9 months with no new product application

Solids Remediation in a CAFO Lagoon

Notice: Shipping estimates at checkout may not be accurate due to weight. Large orders of this item may ship on a pallet or by motor carrier. You will be contacted with an accurate shipping amount after placing your order if it is different than what is calculated during checkout.  

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Does this work on solids from a cattle yard that go into  compost pile?  My brother owns and operates a compost pile down by Omaha. and he looking for something that can be spread on top before it gets mixed in?
Guest | 8/29/2019 9:01 AM
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This product is designed to be used and is most effective in deep pit and lagoon manure storage systems.
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