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Metal Cable, Clamps & Tools

Galvanized and stainless steel metal cable for barn curtain winches, curtain machines, poultry and swine barn vents and suspending poultry drinking lines. Be sure to get enough cable crimps, cable clamps and cable sleeves to complete the job correctly. Choosing the proper cable cutter or cable crimping tool will ensure a lasting hold and finish for the cable controlled equipment on your farm.

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Picture of 1/16" Galvanized Cable - 1 x 7

1/16" Galvanized Cable - 1 x 7

Multiple SKUs available....
1/16" galvanized 1x7 aircraft cable.
From $15.54
Picture of 1/16" Galvanized Cable - 7 x 7

1/16" Galvanized Cable - 7 x 7

Multiple SKUs available....
1/16" galvanized 7x7 aircraft cable.
From $37.25
Picture of 1/8" Galvanized Cable - 7 x 7

1/8" Galvanized Cable - 7 x 7

Multiple SKUs available....
1/8" galvanized 7x7 flexible aircraft cable.
From $23.14
Picture of 1/8" Galvanized Cable - 7 x 19

1/8" Galvanized Cable - 7 x 19

Multiple SKUs available....
1/8" galvanized 7x19 extra flexible aircraft cable.
From $53.90
Picture of 1/8" Stainless Steel Cable - 7 x 7

1/8" Stainless Steel Cable - 7 x 7

Multiple SKUs available....
1/8" stainless steel 7x7 aircraft cable roll.
From $63.35
Picture of 3/16" Galvanized Cable Roll - 7 x 7

3/16" Galvanized Cable Roll - 7 x 7

Multiple SKUs available....
3/16" galvanized 7x7 flexible aircraft cable rolls.
From $93.97
Picture of 3/16" Galvanized Cable Roll - 7 x 19

3/16" Galvanized Cable Roll - 7 x 19

Multiple SKUs available....
3/16" galvanized 7x19 extra flexible aircraft cable rolls.
From $54.53
Picture of 3/16" Stainless Steel Cable Roll - 7 x 19

3/16" Stainless Steel Cable Roll - 7 x 19

Multiple SKUs available....
3/16" stainless steel 7x19 extra flexible aircraft cable roll.
From $125.97
Picture of 1/4" Galvanized Cable - 7 x 19

1/4" Galvanized Cable - 7 x 19

Multiple SKUs available....
1/4" galvanized 7x19 extra flexible aircraft cable.
From $0.24
Picture of 1/8" Galv. Cable Clamp

1/8" Galv. Cable Clamp

SKU: 61732
1/8" Galvanized Curtain Cable Clamp
Picture of 3/16" Galv. Cable Clamp

3/16" Galv. Cable Clamp

SKU: 61733
3/16" Galvanized Curtain Cable Clamp
Picture of 1/4" Galvanized Cable Clamp

1/4" Galvanized Cable Clamp

SKU: 61734
1/4" Galvanized Curtain Cable Clamp
Picture of 1/8" SS Cable Clamp

1/8" SS Cable Clamp

SKU: 617321
1/8" Stainless steel curtain Cable Clamp
Picture of 3/16" SS Cable Clamp

3/16" SS Cable Clamp

SKU: 617331
3/16" Stainless Steel Cable Clamp
Picture of 1/16" Aluminum Cable Sleeve

1/16" Aluminum Cable Sleeve

SKU: 52286
1/16" Aluminum Cable Curtain Sleeve
Picture of 3/32" Aluminum Sleeve

3/32" Aluminum Sleeve

SKU: 52288
3/32" Aluminum Curtain Sleeve
Picture of 1/8" Aluminum Cable Sleeve

1/8" Aluminum Cable Sleeve

SKU: 52284
1/8" Aluminum Cable Curtain Sleeve
Picture of 1/8" x 3/16" Aluminum Cable Sleeve

1/8" x 3/16" Aluminum Cable Sleeve

SKU: 52285
1/8" x 3/16" Aluminum Cable Sleeve
Picture of 3/16" Aluminum Cable Sleeve

3/16" Aluminum Cable Sleeve

SKU: 52283
3/16" Aluminum Cable Curtain Sleeve
Picture of 1/4" Aluminum Sleeve

1/4" Aluminum Sleeve

SKU: 522844
1/4" Aluminum Curtain Sleeve
Picture of 3/32" Aluminum Button Stop

3/32" Aluminum Button Stop

3/32" Aluminum Button Curtain Stop
Picture of 1/8" Aluminum Button Stop

1/8" Aluminum Button Stop

1/8" Aluminum Button Curtain Stop
Picture of 1/8" Stacon

1/8" Stacon

SKU: 61800
1/8" Stacon for curtain systems
Picture of 3/16" Stacon

3/16" Stacon

SKU: 61810
3/16" Stacon for curtain systems