American Humane Association\’s Seal of Approval
Just returned from the 2012 IPE in Atlanta. Great place to catch up with industry contacts and see the latest and greatest.
Stopped by the Potter’s Poultry booth where Mike Button was quick to point out the new Seal of Approval presented to Potter’s by the American Humane Association. The American Humane Association created the first welfare certification program in the United States to ensure the humane treatment of farm animals. Their Seal of Approval process verifies that equipment, housing designs and installation meet the standards of providing humane treatment in livestock production.
“A very pleasant surprise” said Mike.
Mike went on to comment, “When we first started coming to this show we were viewed as kind of an oddity. Producers really questioned whether or not eggs could be produced like this on a commercial basis. As we put systems in and the producers achieved success, interest in our systems has grown.”
“We estimate only about 5% of the total egg output is being produced in cage-free systems here in the U.S. We think that this will grow to over 25%, similar to the amount produced in the U.K. There is a growing segment in the United States of consumers demanding eggs produced by more humane practices.”
“What’s unique about Potter’s Poultry is that we aren’t a battery cage manufacturer that took the doors off the front and started offering them as cage-free systems. We have been designing and manufacturing aviary systems for over 20 years. It not something we are doing because it’s the newest thing to hit the market…it’s what Potter’s Poultry has always done.”
You can learn more about Potter’s Poultry systems by going to http://www.hogslat.com/cage-free-eggs or giving us a call at 1-800-949-4647.