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And now you need to clean the water


The second part of our series on treating the drinking water in finishing houses.
Jesse McCoy, CWS, Business Unit Specialist, Water Treatment, Neogen Corp.  

Following proper terminal line disinfection, the next step in a water program for the benefit of your animals is disinfection of the drinking water. Animals get water in three ways. The first is respiration. The amount of water ingested this way, however, is negligible, especially when you are talking water that’s actually usable by the animal nutritionally. The second way the animal gets water is through the feed. Again, this is negligible. The main way the animal gets essentially all of the water it uses for existence comes through the water line in the barn.  

Making sure that water works for the animal, instead of hindering it, will make sure the animal thrives, rather than just survives. One part of this process is disinfection of the water to make sure the water isn’t adding pathogens into the animal with every drink. Water sources are often contaminated, especially those that are surface water or have been in use for more than a couple years. Over time water sources are often disturbed by geological forces, continued tapping by other users, and through routine maintenance on the well system. Animal drinkers are also open, meaning air or debris from the environment can mix with the water prior to consumption by the animal. This leads to contamination after the point of disinfection, so steps should be taken to ensure any chemical used to reduce pathogens in the water is effective past the point of injection and reaches the mouth of the animal.  


There are many, many options for water disinfection. One that has shown great results in disinfection of the novel pathogens we deal with in the animal production is chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide is similar to bleach in that it is a chlorinated compound, but is 2.6 times the strength when it comes to oxidizing the pathogens. Also, it has multiple modes of action instead of just oxidation. This means it kills pathogens that show resistance to chlorine bleach, and these resistant pathogens are becoming more and more common in animal production. Chlorine dioxide typically comes in a container with “stabilized chlorine dioxide” on the label and converts to chlorine dioxide when applied in the water. The amount of conversion is dependent on how it is “activated” with release agents (like acids, hypochlorite, electricity, or other catalysts). Chlorine dioxide also has a taste and odor control claim on its label, so it can be used in situations where increased consumption by the animals is a goal for the producer.

Data shows chlorine dioxide treatment of drinking water can significantly improve production values. Application of the stabilized chlorine dioxide in this trial improved production at the research site as follows:

6-week wean-nursery trial – Pathogen reduction with stabilized chlorine dioxide after terminal line disinfection with peracetic acid (MaxKlor, Neogen Corp. and Peraside, Neogen Corp.)


Terminal line disinfection in this research trial was achieved with a 3% solution of peracetic disinfectant administered into the lines with a sump pump upon depopulation. The stabilized chlorine dioxide was run at a rate of 5ppm for consumption through the nursery phase. The solution was created and maintained by a metering pump.


An electric metering pump runs off a water meter or pressure switch to apply the correct amount of solution to the injected into each gallon of water in the lines. The producer places the tube directly into the disinfectant and is not exposed to the product. The producer runs the pump and makes adjustments based on a simple test strip test taken from an actual drinker – because it’s about what the animal is drinking, not what is in the original water source.

With a little effort, since stock solutions are not needed and only a jug needs to be replaced, these production gains can be realized, and the animals can move further towards their genetic potential.    

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It’s not a battle; it’s a war.


Win the war against rats and mice with these three steps for effective use of rodenticides.  

Cool temperatures are fast approaching meaning mice and rats will be looking for a warm place to live (your production facility). This article provides the basic information needed for an effective year-round biosecurity rodent control program. Due to the biosecurity risk rodents present 12 months out of the year, rodent control should be an area of focus every time the staff steps into a production facility. Selecting the right rodenticide rotation program is critical to prevent disease outbreaks, lower feed costs, reduce resistance, and to decrease building damage. Here are three steps to consider when building your program. Liphatech Rotation

Step 1: Using the right rodenticide rotation. There are many rodenticide formats to choose from such as soft baits, blocks, pellets, and meal bait. Soft baits are the best option for the year-round knock down of rodents. Soft baits contain no wax to prevent baits from melting or freezing which maintains palatability. Additionally, more placements per pail result in lower cost per placements. Soft baits also provide flexibility to bait in hard to reach places, discussed in step 2. However, not every rodent will feed on any particular type of rodenticide so rotating the active ingredient every 2-6 months is critical. Switching the bait formats between blocks, pellets or soft baits also takes into account rodent taste preference.   An effective rodenticide rotation provides the flexibility to rotate between three active ingredients and textures.  

FastDraw in Hog Barn

Step 2: Putting the right bait in the right location. Start with a building inspection working from the exterior to the inside. Carefully and thoroughly inspect exterior and interior walls, attics, curtains, manure pits, and other places where rodents may hide or live. Areas, where the feed lines enter the sides of the building, are common entry points. Look for nests and signs of rodent damage or traffic. These may be areas like entry and exit points, feces alongside walls, gnawed openings between floors or walls, beside burrows, or locations where rodents are observed. Once rodent nesting and feeding locations are determined, intercept their runways with a fresh, constant supply of rodenticide. An advantage of soft bait is its flexibility to place and secure it in hard to reach areas like wall voids or skewer the soft bait on a wire or zip tie between floor slats or on attic rafters. Always read and follow label directions.  

Cannon on Zip-Tie 770 px x 400

Step 3: Consistency. Frequently inspect bait placements and replenish bait at sites where there is evidence of heavy feeding or evidence signs of rodent activity. Immediately replace spoiled or contaminated baits along with frequently cleaning out bait stations. Remember, rodent control is not a seasonal battle; it is a year-round war. Maintaining a consistent rodenticide rotation program helps to assure the rodent population remains resistance free in a production facility.

Click for more information Liphatech  

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Sow group housing update | stanchions


Group housing for sows remained a popular topic at this year’s World Pork Expo. Hog Slat's sales director, Fritz Richards, outlines his recommendations for stanchions.  

What is the most common question asked about stanchions?  
Probably the most common question is whether to use a solid or open style stanchion. We have not seen any difference in performance or sows' behavior whether the divider panel is solid or open. The advantages of an open rodded stanchion system are:

  • Better ventilation due to not blocking air movement with a solid panel.
  • Improved visibility of workers to observe sows
  • Lower cost
  • Longer life of equipment


We also have not observed less fighting or movement at feeding time if the divider is solid. All of our knowledge has come from working with our customers around the world where we have supplied stanchion equipment for over 750,000 sow places.  

What do you recommend for the length and width of the stanchion?  
Most of the systems we have installed use an 18" to 22" wide stall with a 19" long divider to protect the sow's shoulder and head during feeding.  

Several years ago we experimented with different lengths of dividers and found there really wasn't much difference in sow behavior until we reached 36" in length. What we did notice is that when we increased the stall length to 48" the sows started using the stalls as a resting area instead of just using them at feeding.  

Stachions_long-770x400The longer stalls allowed the more timid sows in the pen a "safe haven" where they could go to get away from the more aggressive animals. But at the same time, their movement isn't restricted, and they can freely go in and out of the stall.    

Does anything else change when the divider is lengthened?  
Yes, we also spread the width out to 23"-24”. Since the stanchion was also being utilized as a resting area, we needed to provide the sows enough room to lie comfortably. Also, the pen size increased because it was necessary to allow at least seven feet between the end of the stanchion and the rear pen panel.  This width avoids having a boss sow from lying across the pen and preventing the other sows from moving around freely.  


That is the optimum number of head per pen?  
In the beginning, we started with large pens, 50+ head, but we quickly discovered that the optimum number is 8-12 head per pen.  

Stanchions continue to be the most a popular choice for many producers as they have proven to be consistent and reliable. This system adapts well to existing layouts for remodeling, there are no electronic systems to manage, and requires little additional training for the animals or caretakers.  

Download your free copy of The Stanchion Handbook ,“A Practical Guide for Group Housing with Stanchions”          

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The importance of proper terminal line cleaning for finishing hogs


After animals are depopulated, the attitude on the farm shifts to preparing for the next round of animals. This traditionally includes cleaning the facility from top to bottom and applying a disinfectant. Any routine maintenance is performed, and those nagging issues that may have been noticed, but there wasn’t enough time for during production to fix, finally get the attention they need. One part of the operation that is often overlooked, however, is the water line. Sure, any stuck or leaky drinker nipples may be serviced or replaced, but by and large drinker lines are shut off and forgotten about until the pigs come back into the barn.


During this time the water line, while appearing benign on the outside, maybe even clean if the cleaning crew hit it with the pressure washer and disinfectant, is very much alive. Any leftover solids from the previous turn are settling inside the line from lack of flow. The biology present from the environment is multiplying, and any build up inside the lines is compacting into a concrete like substance. For all intents and purposes, the water line becomes an incubator while the pigs are out of the barn, especially when the barn is heated back up for repopulation. This, in turn, creates an interesting issue when the freshly weaned pigs take a drink from the line. The first drink a young pig gets is the worst drink it will get. It has the most biology, it is the warmest, oldest, and traditionally worst smelling/tasting water it will be exposed to in its life.

This is where terminal line disinfection comes in. Terminal line cleaning and disinfection occurs when the pigs are removed from the facility and line disinfectants can be applied to remove solids and eliminate any biology that is harbored in the lines. Aside from the obvious removal of pathogens, terminal line disinfection also improves the operation of the drinkers and increases the volume the line carries. The volume increase is especially important as we try to grow larger and larger finishing hogs with the same drinkers and drinker lines designed for market weight hogs 20% smaller.

The available data reflects this as well. Terminal line cleaning alone improved production at the research site as follows:


6-week wean-nursery trial – Lines cleaned and disinfected with Peraside (Peracetic Acid Disinfectant, Neogen Corp.)  

Terminal line disinfection in this research trial was achieved with a 3% solution of disinfectant administered into the lines with a sump pump upon depopulation. The solution sat in the lines overnight and was flushed the next morning with fresh water. All the nipple drinkers were triggered to ensure proper function and the pigs were placed. The product can also be injected with a mixing station like the Dosatron Venturi Pump (DSA-Venturi) with the yellow metering tip installed.


This is similar to soap injector on a power washer and can be used in place of the normal medicator. The producer places the tube directly into the terminal line disinfectant and fills the lines and triggers the drinkers to ensure the product flows through all the parts of the drinker system. After allowing the solution to sit overnight, the producer then flushes the lines and triggers the drinkers again.

With a little effort, large production changes can be made, and the pigs no longer get the worst drink as their first drink.

Jesse McCoy, CWS, Business Unit Specialist, Water Treatment, Neogen Corp.  

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AirStorm X-Brace fans feature “Farm Smart” Design


"These are the type of ventilation fans a poultry or hog producer would design to use on their own farms," exclaimed Hog Slat engineer Tyler Marion. "The emphasis is on using corrosion resistant materials to reduce maintenance and delivering energy efficient air flow at typical operating static pressures.”  

The new X-Brace fan series consists of a through-wall mount 54" fan and an exterior mount 57" panel fan. Composite fiberglass housings and poly discharge cones provide both models with excellent corrosion protection. A flush mount kit is also available for the 57” adapting it to through-wall installations.


Rigid X-Brace support

The fan series gets its name from an innovative X design which moves the anchor points of the support arms to the housing corners for maximum stability.   The support arms are manufactured from aluminum tube with a blue epoxy coating for increased corrosion protection and incorporate a triangular edge profile to reduce wind turbulence. Rubber corner mounts cushion the fiberglass housing from vibrations. The stainless steel support plates for the motor and bearing assembly bolt to the X-Brace with stainless steel hardware.

X-Brace Pillow-Block-770x400

Improved bearing life

A new solid base bearing housing allows a more stable mounting to reduce vibration significantly. The new bearing also includes a double-lip FloBack seal to improve lubrication and provide additional protection against contamination to reduce maintenance.


Flat performance curve

The new fans integrate proprietary stainless steel props configured for peak air delivery at typical static pressures. "The performance curve is very flat with these fans," explained Hog Slat's ventilation director, Austin Baker. "The prop's most efficient cfm ratings are delivered at standard house operating pressures of between .05 and .15". X-Brace-Butterfly

Low maintenance shutters

While the 54" fan uses a plastic interior shutter, the 57" model utilizes a poly butterfly damper with stainless steel hardware. An aluminum damper ring maintains stability while magnetic closures and dual springs seal the damper when the fan is not in use.

The "Farm Smart" design provides reduced maintenance and enhanced air delivery for swine and poultry producers.

For more information click on AirStorm      

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Four Questions Every New Grower Should Ask Their Builder


Not all turnkey contracts and turnkey builders are the same. Knowing what to ask the potential contractors bidding on your project helps you avoid additional costs when or if problems occur during construction.  


1) Financial Strength.

A typical production site will cost from $350,000 upwards to $2,000,000 or more. For a project costing one million dollars, the builder will need to have the financial resources capable of paying for $500,000 of materials and labor. Also, most contractors will have several projects in varying stages of construction, meaning a typical builder may need a line of credit of several million dollars.  

To protect your investment ask the contractor for a copy of their latest balance sheet to assess whether the contractor net worth is adequate for the project. If the builder is uncomfortable providing that type of information to you, require them to provide a payment and performance bond from a reputable insurer. Always consult your lender to determine if they are comfortable with the contractor’s financial condition.


2) Builders Risk and Workers’ Comp.

Unless required by the lender many contractors do not include builders risk insurance as part of their contract. Without this coverage, the owner is liable for any damages to the structure or building materials during the construction process.  

The amount of Workers’ Compensation insurance a contractor is required to carry varies from state to state. The main provisions of this insurance should include coverage for any subcontractors working on the project, and this coverage is enforceable in the state where the work is performed. It is not uncommon for contractor or subcontractor's policy to only apply to their home state.  

You should insist any potential contractor provide you with a Certificate of Insurance indicating builders risk coverage for the amount of the contract along with general liability insurance of at least $2 million per occurrence and also listing the states covered by the agreement. You as the building owner may also want to be listed as an additional insured on the policy, so you have the ability to make claims on the policy if the contractor will not. Consider raising the general liability amount to $5-10 million on sow farms and remodel projects as substantial damage can result from work performed on operational farms.


3) Site Supervision

Adequate site supervision is subject to broad interpretation that varies by each contractor. Unless it is a complicated remodel or very large project, it is unreasonable to expect a job supervisor to be on site every day during the construction process. You should, however, expect the job supervisor to schedule frequent meetings with you to review and inspect the work in progress. Also be aware that many contracts do not provide for unloading trucks, dumpster rental, portable restrooms, and site cleanup. Failing to add these items in writing to the contract may cost you thousands in additional out of pocket costs.  

4) Production Equipment

When faced with competitive bidding situations one of the methods used by contractors to reduce their price is to change the equipment supplied in the package. It is common for equipment manufacturers to offer special pricing to area builders during an expansion phase. This usually results in the poor installation of unfamiliar feeding, watering and ventilation equipment along with dubious warranty claims later. Ask the contractor to provide you with a list of completed projects with the same brands of equipment specified in the contract.

Protect your investment by requiring bidders on your project to provide you with the correct documentation. This allows you to limit your exposure to financial risk during and after the construction process.          

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Farmstead Nests Featured in Martha Stewart Blog

Martha Stewart recently installed new Farmstead nests on her farm near Bedford, New York.   The farm houses over 100 chickens in four individual coops.  Here's a short excerpt from the article:  

I love knowing my hens are provided with clean, comfortable nests. Rolled metal edges prevent injury to the birds and easy to remove metal bottoms make it simple to keep the nests clean.  

Read more about the project by clicking through to the blog: Martha...up close and personal.  

Martha Stewart Farm

For ordering information go to Farmstead Nests    

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Dim-to-Blue® Lighting for Optimal Broiler Production


While LED lighting can bring broiler poultry growers significant energy savings, AgriShift® Dim-to-Blue® lighting offers more than being an environmentally friendly option. What makes AgriShift® Dim-to-Blue® technology uniquely beneficial, is that it is designed to influence and direct certain processes, recreating the best possible environment for your animal. New developments in LED lighting can now provide a customized light spectrum, intensity and photoperiod control for broiler environments. The utilization of this advanced LED lighting in broiler facilities can bring performance benefits, resulting in increased broiler production and improved animal welfare. 

Three characteristics of lighting should be considered when designing a lighting system:

1) light spectrum or color of the light

2) intensity of the light, and

3) photoperiod or the amount of time the lighting fixtures are on each day.

In the past, lighting systems (incandescent, fluorescent or high-pressure sodium lamps) had fixed color and intensity, with the only controllable variable being the length of exposure. With ONCE® AgriShift® Dim-to-Blue® technology and lighting systems, it is possible to control all three key characteristics.  


Research shows that a typical chicken views a light source much differently than a human eye would. For instance, the graphs below show that humans and chickens perceive green light similarly, but chickens have enhanced sensitivity to reds, blues and ultraviolet light. Additional research has shown that different wavelengths can be used to enhance various aspects of development. For example, green light increases growth during the early stages of development by enhancing proliferation of skeletal muscle satellite cells, which repair and build muscle. Blue light is helpful in the growth and sexual development of poultry at a later age by elevation of plasma androgens, allowing the bird to put on more muscle mass. Combined green and blue light promotes myofiber growth due to more effective stimulation of testosterone secretion.       

By organizing individual LEDs to activate at predetermined voltage levels, it is feasible to implement a color-shifting technology, which is the foundation of AgriShift® Dim-to-Blue® lighting products for broilersAfgriShift-range

AgriShift® Dim-to-Blue® lighting systems shift the spectrum to mimic a natural sunrise and sunset. With no dimming, the system produces a full light spectrum, ideal for stimulating growth when beginning a chicks growth cycle. As grow out continues the lighting is gradually decreased to 30%, shifting the range from blue to green to promote muscle growth. When the system is fully dimmed (also known as moon lighting), the monochromatic blue is used to calm the birds at night or before catching.  

Using ONCE® AgriShift® Dim-to-Blue® technology and lighting systems allow broiler farmers an environmentally friendly lighting option that not only saves on electrical costs but also improves animal welfare and increases broiler production.

To learn more click Dim-to-Blue®.

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Static Pressure Key to Troubleshooting Ventilation


With the summer heat settling in it's not uncommon for ventilation problems to start showing up in broiler houses and swine gestation/ breeding buildings. Even facilities that have performed well in the past may experience issues.   One of the best yardsticks for evaluating a ventilation system is measuring wind speed. Windmeters ranging from an inexpensive smartphone unit to dedicated handheld devices are used to measure wind speed in feet per minute.  

If the wind speed is lower than desired the next step is to check the static pressure with either a portable manometer or on the ventilation control monitor.   With the ventilation system operating at full capacity, the house pressure should be between .05 to .08". Some broiler facilities will experience higher pressure due to increased air requirements.

If the static pressure is high, the most likely cause is restricted airflow through cool cell pads clogged with scale or algae.


Scale is the buildup of minerals hard water leaves behind as it evaporates during the cooling process. Heavy deposits of scale require the use of a broom to dislodge the debris and then rinsing them off the pad with a low-pressure hose nozzle. The best way to deal with scale is to prevent it from forming in the first place. Adding a descaler treatment to the water helps keep the minerals in suspension and prevents them from sticking to the pad.  

Nutrients in the water allow algae to grow and block the openings in the pad. Adding algaecides to the recirculating water kills the algae and prevents it from re-establishing. Allowing the pad to dry completely for several hours each day also stops algae growth. Dirty-Cool-Cell-Trough

But by far the most important management practice for cool cell maintenance is to drain and replace the water often. Even with the use of chemical agents, a build up of contaminants occurs in the trough. How often to replace the water depends on water quality and the amount of the time the system operates each day. Once a month is an absolute minimum during periods of heavy use to flush grit and dirt from the system.


If the static pressure is too low, the first reaction is to add fans to increase airflow.   In many cases, especially in buildings where the airflow seemed adequate before, replacing the fan belts and/or pulleys will restore proper air flow.   Slippage caused by worn belts and pulley cause fans to be less efficient and air delivery to suffer by as much as 20%. Plan to replace all fan belts on an annual basis with the metal pulleys needing replacement about every four years.   A visual check after installing new belt should show the belt riding high in the pulley groove. If the belt sinks into the groove, then the pulley should be replaced.  

Routine, scheduled maintenance on fans and evaporative systems is fundamental to providing broilers and pigs with adequate cooling during hot weather extremes.  

By Austin Baker
Ventilation Director
Hog Slat Inc.      

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Slat Design Aids Pig Welfare


Inappropriate or poorly maintained slatted floors are the most common causes of physical injuries to pigs. Pigs with foot or joint pain will not get up as often to eat and drink resulting in lower Average Daily Gain and reduced performance.   The industry movement to group gestation housing also means better flooring is necessary to prevent injuries to heavy sows in open pens.   By some estimates, lame sows can cost producers from $180 -$400 for each animal suffering from foot-related problems.  

Well designed slats promoting good animal welfare possess several common characteristics. They are manufactured from high-density concrete, have a level, flat top for ease of walking and a uniform slat opening.

Manufacturing high quality begins with the slump of concrete. The less water added to the concrete, the stronger the slat. Dry-cast concrete, having a zero slump, only uses enough water to begin the chemical reaction.   When excess water is added to make the concrete easier to form, the excess moisture evaporates; creating pores in the concrete and reduces its strength and durability. The lower cement-water ratio in dry cast slats yields a finished product with higher strength and durability with fewer repairs needed over its useful life.  

Dry cast, machine-finished slat production requires fewer molds than comparable wet cast, hand-finished slats. Fewer molds mean less variation and a more consistent final product with a flat, level top and uniform slat openings. MachinedSlatsThe level surface provided by flat top slats reduces joint injuries from twisting and slipping on uncomfortable floors. Uniform slat openings prevent the pigs' legs from getting caught in a narrowing opening and damaging their toes and claws.   Keep slats in good condition by using quick setting, abrasion resistant mortars to repair any exposed aggregates as normal wear occurs. Cover surfaces around feeders and waterers with an epoxy overlay coating to protect the concrete from acid compounds and heavy pig traffic. For more information on repairing concrete slats download “The Field Guide To Slat Repair and Replacement.”  


Well made concrete slats and proper maintenance provide pigs and sows with comfortable flooring to reduce foot and leg injuries.      

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