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Grower Select reduces Margin Stacking

stack of coins



Margin Stacking is a term that may or may not be familiar to you.  It refers to the cost or profit margin that each member of the supply chain contributes to bring a product to the end user. Every manufacturer, distributor, and dealer adds their own margin and the final cost includes these “stacked margins.”


This type of distribution system has evolved over time and in many cases is the best method to deliver products efficiently to consumers.  The margins charged by these “middle men” aren’t evil or bad as long as they add value to a product through manufacturing, warehousing, installation or technical support.


We would all agree that the structure of the poultry and hog industries has changed a great deal in the last 20 years, and some parts of the supply chain have changed along with it.  At one time, local dealers sold, mixed and delivered complete feed to production sites.  As producers became larger, they quickly moved to reduce the number of people involved in formulating and manufacturing feedstuffs and realized substantial cost savings.


The supply chain to deliver feed systems and ventilation systems has not changed for decades.  Companies design and manufacture products, warehouse, finished goods and hire representatives to “set up” local dealer networks. The dealers provide a storefront, promote the brand locally, order and stock parts, hire salespeople and installation crews.  The industry is still delivering production equipment to the end user the same way it did when the number of producers was much larger.



Grower Select 2x6 ®Hog Slat developed the GrowerSELECT® line to collapse the supply chain, reduce margins and lower the final cost.  How?


Hog Slat established a network of company stores in the major livestock and poultry production areas of the U.S.   This system was backed up with distribution centers totaling over 600,000 square feet. We control distribution costs and the margins charged against the final purchase price.


The resulting volume of goods sold through our store system and large turnkey construction business enabled Hog Slat to justify the investment needed to manufacture feed and ventilation systems for our customers. We design and control the manufacturing process and the costs involved.


Typically, manufacturing companies do not have retail systems in place to deliver, install and service systems on a local level. Local dealers do not have volumes large enough to hire engineers to design and manufacture products for their local markets.  Hog Slat is the only equipment supplier in the poultry and swine industries to integrate the supply chain vertically.


If you have priced any GrowerSELECT equipment, you have probably been pleasantly surprised at the cost savings. You may have even hesitated to buy it because of the low price.   After all, “you only get what you pay for” is true. Buying products through the traditional distribution means you are paying the built in margin stack.  If you are ready to stop paying “margin stack” on feed and ventilation systems contact one of our local stores about GrowerSELECT, go online to  or call 800-949-4647.

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Hog Slat Romania Receives ISO 9001 Certification

Hog Slat’s Romanian manufacturing operation, located in Arad, received  ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certifications earlier this year. The audit and certification process was performed by SC MS-ISOROMCERTIFICATION SRL., a UKAS accredited auditing company. 

Every process and business management procedure in the Romanian operation was compared to ISO 9001 requirements for quality management systems including; documentation control, record keeping, staff training, quality standards and operational conformance to the system. After implementation, continuous internal audits and an annual external audit will continue to monitor and improve operations. 

Because of the ISO 9001 certification, Hog Slat’s European customers will see better quality products, improved scheduling and more reliable deliveries.

The ISO 14001 certification provides an Energy Management System to reduce waste and control energy costs.  

In addition, the OHAS 18001 certification strives to create a safe work environment for employees and minimize production delays due to workplace injuries.  

 Congratulations to General Manager, Daniela Minda and the entire Romanian staff on achieving these certifications.  

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FARMSTEAD Chickens Growing Appetite

The FARMSTEAD broiler flock has a growing appetite! Feed is always available for them, but when they are really hungry they all want to be at the feeder together. The 30 pound hanging poultry feeder provides plenty of space and the needed capacity to keep multiple days worth of feed available to a smaller flock or meet the feeding needs of a larger flock without having to refill as often. The design of the hanging feeder allows 3 different adjustments to control the amount of feed that flows into the pan which helps reduce wasted feed that might be pushed out of the pan if the level was too high. We started the birds as chicks using the 15 pound hanging poultry feeder, which is the same design but does not feature an adjustable feed flow rate.

30 pound hanging feeder pan

As you can see in the video above, the feeder is hanging from the chicken tractor’s roof frame which serves multiple beneficial purposes. First, when the feeder is hanging as opposed to sitting on the ground, it discourages the birds from trying to scratch the feed and also makes the red edge of the feed pan an unstable platform which discourages the birds from trying to perch or roost on the feeder. Next, when the feeder is hanging you can move the coop without having to pull the feeder out first. Lastly, when the feeder is off the ground it makes it more difficult for ants or other bugs to get into the feed.

Both models of the plastic hanging feeder are easy to clean when they become dirty or after you’ve finished raising your flock. Simply brush loose any solid debris from the feeder, soak in a tub of water and cleaning solution for 10 minutes, wipe down the interior and exterior of the feeder and then rinse clean. Hang the feeder out to dry or wipe down with paper towels and you’ll be ready to refill with feed or store until you need to feed your next flock.


Browse our full selection of FARMSTEAD Equipment to help you raise your poultry at

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Feed Chain Torture Chamber

One of the benefits we list for the Grow-Disk system is a “superior chain.”  The feed chain with molded plastic disks is the main component of the system, physically moving feed to a feeder or sow drop.

I dropped in on Hog Slat’s engineering group to see what I could find out.  I found Tim Hawkins, the project engineer for the Grow-Disk product line. Tim led me to a complicated looking run of 12 corners occurring in less than eight feet with intersecting vertical and horizontal corners.


“The drive unit is off of it now,” Tim explained,  “but we ran different brands of chain through this setup to show accelerated wear. Look at this…..see the metal filings in the bottom of the corner? Those showed up when we ran the last batch of electroplated chain through the unit.  The process of electroplating weakens steel causing it to wear faster.”


“This confirmed the difference between using hardened steel compared to galvanized or electroplated chain.  Hardened steel is high carbon steel given heat treatments of quenching followed by tempering.  The result is tough steel chain that resists wear without being brittle. We can run a hardened chain for days and never see filings like that.”

“With most chain feeding systems you have to adjust for “chain stretch” after the systems have operated for awhile.  We don’t think the individual chain links stretch but as they go around corners constantly rubbing together they elongate because of wear.”


“The only reason, to galvanize steel, is to prevent rust.  With the fat and oils in the feed, the chain doesn’t rust in the tube.  Most brands of feeding chain is galvanized for it’s appearance before installation.  A new bag of Grow-Disk may have some surface rust on it, not a big deal.”

We next looked at how well the plastic disks are fastened to the chain.

“We placed each brand of chain link in a load cell and attached it to a winch, measuring the force needed to pull the disks off the link.”


“Most of the disks pulled off at 300 lbs., although one slipped at only 160 pounds!  We applied over 600 lbs. of force to the Grow-Disk disk before it slipped.”

“First of all, the disks are manufactured from nylon, a stronger, denser plastic instead of polypropylene.
Second, if you look closely at all the chains the connector welds are smooth, except on the Grow-Disk chain….see the little knob?  That knob prevents the nylon disk from slipping…the nylon has to break instead of just slipping.”


“Most feeding chain suppliers buy general purpose chain with the knob removed. By using a chain fabricated “in-house” and designed specifically for feed systems, we can produce a superior product.”

“A strong plastic disk is important because the drive sprocket powering the entire system makes contact with each, single disk for a brief moment.  If an individual disk slips this causes the chain to be slightly out of alignment causing possible jams.”

You can be confident using Grow-Disk chain knowing you are buying the very best even though the cost is usually less.

Hog Slat streamlined distribution system reduces margin stacking.  We manufacture and source products direct to you….eliminating extra dealer margins.

Hog Slat Supply Chain

Good product engineering does not add cost to a product but instead takes manufacturing processes into account to reduce costs. It costs no more to spec a hardened chain with knobs intact to provide a better contact for injecting the nylon disk.  The result is a superior product that lasts longer on your farm.

Grow-Disk systems, read more…

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FARMSTEAD Chickens Move Outdoors

The FARMSTEAD broiler flock has moved outdoors! Their new home is a custom designed and built mobile “chicken-tractor” coop that is pulled forward one length each day onto fresh grass. This means there is no cleaning the coop floor and fresh grass and bugs to eat every morning. The birds took right to their new surroundings and were eating grass and foraging for bugs within minutes. The flock is now 4 weeks old and feathered enough to stay outdoors full time.

Chickens in Outdoor Tractor_Inside


The coop is built from treated lumber, 29 gauge painted metal and 3′ wide plastic coated metal poultry wire.  Although heavy enough to resist wind and predators, the coop can easily be pulled forward by a single person.


Outdoor Chicken Tractor


Equipped with one 3 nipple drinking bucket and a 30 pound hanging chicken feeder, the coop is plenty big enough for our 13 broiler chickens and has the capacity for around 30-35 grown birds. The feeder and water bucket are easily attached and removed for refilling or cleaning with 1/4″ Zinc Snap Hooks and a short length of stainless steel #1 bowtye chain.


Chickens in Outdoor Tractor_Front


For all your backyard poultry and hog equipment needs, be sure to check out the FARMSTEAD Equipment line at

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2015 World Pork Expo Hog Slat Display

2015 World Pork Expo Hog Slat Display Booth

Another successful show is in the books for Hog Slat at the 2015 World Pork Expo in Des Moines, Iowa. This year, Hog Slat displayed several new items, including our AirStorm fiberglass ventilation fansGrow-Disk™ chain disk feed system and the GrowerSELECT® curtain machine. In addition to these new products, we also featured our concrete slats, TriDek flooring, group pen feed stanchions, GrowerSELECT sow drops and more.

Hog Slat hosted a group of Chinese pig farmers that were visiting the United States and attended the World Pork Expo. On Tuesday, as part of their trip, we visited a brand new 2 barn finishing site Hog Slat just completed, located in Lohrville, IA. The group was able to see a new group of pigs that had just been loaded into one of the barns earlier that afternoon, and also examine the inside of the other barn that had not been loaded with pigs yet.GrowerSELECT Iowa Finish Barn
Both of these deep pit barns were equipped with GrowerSELECT Grow-Flex™ feed systemsHog Slat wet/dry hog feeders and AquaChief cup waterers as part of their equipment package. The group was very impressed with the fit and finish of Hog Slat’s feed system equipment and building construction. To learn more about new construction or remodeling hog barns in the Midwest or other areas of the United States, please visit the Hog Slat sales representative locator, found here.



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Hog Slat to Exhibit at the 2015 World Pork Expo

Hog Slat will be exhibiting at this year’s World Pork Expo with many new and further developed swine equipment products, highlighting Hog Slat’s GrowerSELECT product line.


At the show, Hog Slat will have a large variety of equipment on display in both the exhibition hall (Booth V165 VIB) and at the Hog Slat hospitality tent (Tent G234). Equipment that will be on display includes Hog Slat’s Grow-Flex Feed System, Grow-Disk Feed System, Slats, and an introduction to Hog Slat’s AirStorm fans. We invite you to stop by the Hog Slat booth to see what’s new at the show.


Enjoy FREE ADMISSION to the 2015 World Pork Expo, courtesy of Hog Slat. You may redeem your admission voucher by registering online at by May 28th and use voucher code HogSlat2015. Or, present a hard copy of our voucher (available through the Hog Biz, local Hog Slat retail stores, or your local sales contact) during on-site registration the day of the expo.  Expo registration is located in the Animal Learning Center inside Gate 15.


Craving some good BBQ? Stop by the Hog Slat hospitality tent anytime during expo to enjoy Vinny’s BBQ, located in Dakota City, IA. Vinny’s will be serving lunch and dinner both Wednesday and Thursday of the expo.


The World Pork Expo is held June 3rd-5th in Des Moines, IA at the Iowa State Fairgrounds. Visit us at the show in booth V165 in the Varied Industries Building and Hospitality Tent G234. We hope to see you at the show!

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SowMAX info from NC State

Sow and Piglet Performance during Lactation for SowMAX Self Feeders and Hand Feeding

A synopsis of research study conducted at North Carolina State University.

The main objective of this study was to collect lactation and rebreeding data from sows fed with SowMAX self feeders opposed to sows that were hand fed. The secondary objective was to measure the amount of labor required to manage the sows using each type of feeding system, specifically during lactation. Two farrowing rooms were observed in this study. One-half of the farrowing crates in each room were retrofitted with SowMAX feeders. Farrowing occurs every other week at the Swine Educational Unit (n=24 sows per group). At the present time, data has been collected from 36 sows utilizing SowMAX feeders and34 sows that were hand fed.There were significant interactions between season (winter versus summer) and feeding strategy (SowMAX versus hand feeding) for both sow and piglet performance and sows’ daily feed intake patterns. Consequently, the data is presented seasonally. Sow and piglet performance during lactation is shown in Tables 1 and 2, while sow daily feed intake patterns are shown in Figure 1 and 2. Tables 3 and 4  contain sow rebreeding performance and baby piglet death losses, respectively. (see complete article online including tables) There were no significant interactions between seasons and feeding strategy for this data, therefore the means in these tables were averaged across seasons. 

Total feed intake and daily feed intake appear to be superior for sows being fed with the SowMAX feeders. This was particularly true during the summer months.

The data in all the Tables are the mean values and the standard errors. The last column in each table is the p value, which is a measure of how different the means is statistically. In a general sense, the p value can be thought of in the following manner. If the experiment was repeated 1000 times, then one would expect the same result as indicated by the p value due to chance. For example, in Table 1 the p-value for total feed intake is 0.043. Sows fed with the SowMAX feeders consumed 17.2 lbs. more feed during lactation compared with those fed by hand. What this means is that there is less than 5% chance that this difference is simply due to chance and random events and a 95% chance that it is due to the SowMAX feeder. Conversely, the body weight of sows after farrowing has a p value of 0.671. What this means is that there is more than 50% chance that the differences observed are, in fact, due to chance or random events and not related to the way they were fed (SowMAX versus Hand Feeding). The p values in bold are those that are less than 0.05 that is considered to be highly significant in the scientific literature. In other words, there is a 95% probability that the current difference is due to the feeding system. The p values in bold italics are ones with p values between 0.05 and 0.20. These are considered important trends in scientific literature. Usually what happens with trends is that as more data is collected (more observations) then their p values move closer to 0.05.

SowMax Feed Intake patterns

In general, both total feed intake and daily feed intake appear to be superior for sows being fed with the SowMAX feeders. This was predominantly true during the summer months. Daily sow feed intake was consistently greater during the summer with the SowMAX feeders after the first week of lactation compared to hand feeding. This was also true during the winter months due to a more consistent feed intake pattern over the entire lactation period, with less variation from day to day. During the summer, sows had a similar pattern of daily feed intake with both feeding systems. However, sows in farrowing crates with a SowMAX feeder simply ate more. In contrast, during the winter the increase in feed intake for sows with the SowMAX feeder was due mainly to the lack of several transient periods of decreased feed intake which were prevalent when sows were fed. In this study, there was less feed wastage on a dry matter basis with the SowMAX feeders. Additionally, SowMAX feeders required less labor and maintenance (cleaning) by employees that fed the sows, especially during the summer months when sow water consumption is high.

The increased feed intake during lactation resulted in better pre-weaning weight gain by the piglets. There were no differences in piglet mortality or rebreeding performance between treatments. A rather interesting observation was the lower body temperature during the last week in lactation of the sows utilizing the SowMAX feeders. This was even more prominent during the summer months and most likely is the factor responsible for the increased daily feed intake in these sows. This is most likely due to them being able to regulate their feed intake during the day. It has been shown that after consumption of a single large mealthe core body temperature increases, compared to intake of the same amount that is distributed evenly over a longer period of time. It appears the sows actually do regulate their feed intake, at least in part, based on the temperature of the ambient environment.

To obtain a copy of the full report contact us at:

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Cut & Weld Panels for DIY Hog Gating

Hog Slat's Cut & Weld panels enable you to build DIY steel gates for your hog farm. Cut & Weld panels feature a movable end to create customized lengths. They're in stock at a local Hog Slat store or online at

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Clean Chicken Water Bucket and Dry Shavings

The FARMSTEAD chickens are doing great and growing quickly! Through weeks 2 and 3 they have started growing feathers and losing their fuzz. The easily adjustable legs on the Comfort Heating Plate for Chickshave been raised twice now to accommodate their growth and keep the heating plate at the optimum height for our birds. They are easily able to walk underneath the heating plate or lay on the edges to fine tune their comfort levels.


Chicks next to heating plate


In case you are trying to decide if the Clear Cover for the Comfort Heating Plate is worth purchasing, the answer is “absolutely.” Chickens have a natural urge to roost and desire to perch on an elevated surface. As your chicks become tall enough to see the top of the plate they cannot help but want to get up there. The slanted design of the heating plate cover prevents birds from perching on the plate and piling it with droppings. The small “streaks” from their tail ends sliding down the cover will be much easier to clean after the brooding process than an entire plate covered in poop!


Comfort Heating Plate for Chicks Cover
Our chicken drinking bucket with 3 nipples has been a huge hit and we know exactly why! When you compare the features and functions of our bucket to most other poultry drinking systems, you will quickly find that the drinking bucket keeps fresh, clean water available for your birds without requiring much work at all from you. In addition, when kept at the proper height for your birds, very little, if any, water makes it to the floor of your coop or brooder.


3 Nipple Bucket and Dry Litter


Other poultry watering systems can leak, get filthy or be knocked over very easily by your chickens or other poultry. The drinking bucket hangs out of the way and uses commercial grade poultry nipples to provide a consistent flow of water to your birds when they want it. This keeps your litter or shavings dry and helps your birds stay cleaner and healthier. As you can see in this photo, dry litter absorbs moisture and odors from the chicken droppings. Cleaner, drier litter also helps keep birds feet healthier and minimizes the occurrence of problems associated with wet litter.

“It just does what it is supposed to. That bucket is way better than what I was using before!” 

We received a photo from a happy customer who purchased the poultry drinking bucket with 3 nipples to put in his outdoor brooder. He is currently brooding a small group of mallard ducklings and a special wood duck duckling, which he rescued from the side of the road after seeing the rest of its flock get hit by a car while crossing a busy road. “If you’ve ever raised ducks before then you will agree they are much messier than chickens! The watering jars and founts I was using wouldn’t last more than a few minutes before the ducks had knocked them over or made a mess in them,” he said. “Ever since I installed the bucket I can fill it up and it will last 2 or 3 days. I don’t have to worry about whether my birds have water when I am gone during the day.”


If you’re currently brooding chicks, getting chickens soon, or just need a better, cleaner way to keep fresh water available for your birds, visit the FARMSTEAD Equipment section at and purchase yours today!


CBP Outdoor Brooder Setup

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